Easy Milk Kefir Refill 4 Pack

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Cultures at room temperature!

Kefir is a cultured drink, traditionally made by adding kefir “grains” to various types of milk. We have gone a step further and freeze-dried the kefir grains into a powder to make our EASY KEFIR starter.

It’s fun and very easy to make! Kefir is a fantastic source of many nutrients, supplying you with calcium, magnesium, vitamins K and B and billions of friendly microbes that help your microbiome thrive and flourish.

Kefir is even more potent than yogurt, with its numerous beneficial strains of organisms. Over a period of 24 hours or so, the microorganisms in Easy Kefir multiply and ferment the natural sugars in the milk, turning it into kefir.

Kefir has been credited with helping to boost the immune system, and is often consumed in order to help replenish the body with good bacteria after antibiotic use*.

Simple to make: add one packet to a quart of your choice of dairy milk. Let it culture for 18-24 hours at room temperature, and you have a delicious pourable drink. Hippocrates stated that "all diseases begin in the gut." Kefir is the perfect remedy to bring the gut back into balance*.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

And there's a bonus, too!  Once you've made a batch of kefir using our Easy Kefir starter, you can use some of it to culture your next batch. This is called 'reculturing' and can be repeated at least 7 times!

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