Morning Sauerkraut? Boost your juice!

Posted by Kim on 2021 Mar 12th

Posted by Kim on 2021 Mar 12th

Meet Krista. 

Krista makes an innovative smoothie starring sauerkraut. You read that right: a smoothie with sauerkraut. Keep reading.

Krista makes good nutrition a priority. She shops the perimeter of the grocery store, buys organic whenever she can, and makes her own food whenever possible. She doesn’t, however, consider herself fanatical about her eating. She’s not into trends. Krista values simple, nutritious, and delicious food.

Krista never gave home fermentation much thought.

She didn’t have digestive issues. She was already eating well and didn’t think she was missing anything from her diet. She did, however, like to take a grassroots approach to her food. Krista makes her own food, bakes, and even tackles sourdough.

Home fermentation was a natural fit for Krista, although she didn’t realize it at the time.

Then one day, on the mention of a friend, she discovered Heyday kits and decided to give it a shot. The rest, as they say, is history.

Now, Krista drinks Tibi daily and has two sauerkraut Kaboodles on the go at all times, one in the fridge and another fermenting in the kitchen counter.

She’s not sure what made her and her husband, Kerry, get the idea to add sauerkraut to their smoothies. They were already adding every other vegetable to the mix; celery, spinach, avocados, ginger, even parsley. Why not fermented purple cabbage?

Krista admits to being leery of adding sauerkraut to their favourite morning drink. What would you expect by adding something sour to a beverage? Nothing good, that’s for sure.

Krista was wrong. Not only did adding sauerkraut to smoothies not overpower the other ingredients, the fermented food danced perfectly with the other fixings.

What did change was the colour. Forget pink or green or pale, almost-nothing yellow. Krista was now drinking the most beautiful purple smoothies she had ever seen!

Krista encourages anyone curious about jazzing up their smoothies to consider adding sauerkraut. From the very first sip, she’s convinced you’ll become a believer like she has.

Krista's Morning Boost Juice
  • Prep time5 minutes
  • Mealbreakfast
  • Makes2 smoothies

  1. 1/2 cup spinach
  2. 1 medium celery stick, chopped
  3. 1/4 apple
  4. 1/3 cup parsley
  5. 3" chunk cucumber
  6. 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
  7. 1 tbsp unpeeled fresh ginger
  8. 1/8 avocado
  9. 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  10. 1/4 cup sauerkraut
  11. 1/3 cup low sugar juice or water kefir
  12. 3-4 ice cubes
  13. water


Put all ingredients into a really good high powered blender, topping with water to fill. Blend until smooth. Depending on the size of your blender vessel, you may need to blend without ice cubes first then pour half of the smoothie out and re-blend with ice cubes. Mix both batches together, pour into 2 smoothie glasses and enjoy.

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