Over the last several decades, health experts like William Davis, MD, have uncovered more and more connections between our digestive systems and our overall health and mental states. While the specifics are far more complex, the bottom line is lowering your risk of conditions like obesity, diabetes, and even cancer is as simple as taking care of your gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
One of the best — and easiest — ways to improve your gut health is to regularly eat probiotics. Essentially, probiotics are healthy bacteria that support and restore the gut flora, boosting gut function and health. Plus, adding probiotics into your routine doesn't have to involve expensive powders, pills, or supplements. You can easily meet your probiotic needs with fermented foods and drinks like yogurt and kombucha — many of which you can make on your own!
The Power of L. Reuteri
One of the most notable probiotics that Dr. Davis features in his most recent work, "Super Gut," is Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri). He and many other researchers have uncovered a massive range of beneficial effects of this healthy bacterium.
To start, L. reuteri is antimicrobial and can combat incoming pathogens while boosting your immune system. This incredible microorganism can also strengthen the intestinal barrier and decrease the absorption of certain microbes. This means that L. reuteri could prevent inflammatory diseases in the gut and other areas of the body. In fact, doctors have noticed that as L. reuteri levels drop in humans, the incidence rate of inflammatory diseases goes up. Health experts around the world recommend supplementing your diet with L. reuteri to fight issues like ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
In addition to those benefits, decades of research have also revealed that L. reuteri can promote folate and vitamin B12 absorption. These nutrients ensure healthy red blood cell formation and contribute to your neurological health, as well. As if that wasn't enough, there's evidence that the microorganism can alleviate anxiety and pain, stabilize emotions, and lower cortisol levels. That's right, improving your gut health also safeguards against stress and depression.
Where Do We Get It?
Okay, so L. reuteri is a powerful probiotic with tons of benefits, but do we have to leap through hoops to get it? Not only does it already exist in your skin and GI tract, but it's also available in small amounts in some meats, fermented foods, and as a supplement.
However, rather than relying on drug store supplements or trying to fill your every meal with soft cheeses and kimchi, there's an easier way to meet your L. reuteri needs. All it takes is an appliance that lets you maintain a temperature of 100 F for 36 hours and a source of L. reuteri. You could use a sous vide, yogurt maker, kombucha warmer, or even an instant pot or slow cooker!
The secret is the exciting new LR Superfood Starter Culture. Through a low and slow fermentation process, you create a delicious superfood that looks, smells, and tastes exactly like yogurt. This rich delicacy is simple to make and is bursting with this spectacular beneficial bacteria.
The highest potency L. reuteri supplement on the market boasts an impressive live bacteria count of 5 billion cpus per capsule. Meanwhile, the LR Superfood contains over 50 billion live bacteria in every half-cup serving, even if you use non-dairy milk.
Why settle for regular yogurts with low bacteria counts or expensive L. reuteri supplements when a tastier, healthier, and more affordable option is available? Plus, once you've made some LR Superfood, you can use a bit to culture your next batch!