Water kefir: the “gut juice” that’s delicious, easy and oh-so-good for you.
(Before we get started, there's a lot of debate over just how kefir is pronounced. In the battle of "KEE-fer" versus "kuh-FEER," we are firmly on the side of the latter, which is closer to the original Russian tongue.)
Imagine a drink that's dairy-free, caffeine-free and gluten-free. It's low in sugar and low in calories. It's easy to make and it's loaded with probiotics, minerals and more. Oh, it's also delicious—as tasty as juice or lemonade or pop.
Clearly this is a magical drink.
When we think of simple foods full of beneficial gut bacteria, the most common in North America is yogurt. But despite its popularity, yogurt doesn't even begin to match water kefir in diversity or sheer volume of bacteria and strains. Our own
Tenacious Tibi kefir crystals have over 30 strains of probiotics, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, and the water kefir those crystals produce is rich in vitamins B12, B1, B6 and K, as well as magnesium folate, electrolytes and enzymes. Better yet, it's light and fizzy, slightly sweet and refreshing. You can serve it to your kids (and they'll love it) or mix it into a summer cocktail.
See what we mean? Magical.
I bought two kits — one for myself and one as a gift for my sister. We have both been thrilled with the Tibi kits and make water kefir all the time now. I almost always have a batch on the go and one in the fridge.
I bought it because I'd had some digestive issues and I'd read that fermented foods might help. All of my stomach issues have cleared up, which has been really great.
But even better, making water kefir with the Tibi is really easy, I love the taste of it and so do my kids. Knowing I'm making them something they not only like but that's good for them is pretty awesome. —Käthe, Calgary
So Just What Is Water Kefir?
All good magic starts with science.
Kefir crystals (sometimes also called “grains”—think grain of sand, not grain of wheat) go by a lot of names—California bees, Japanese water crystals, beer seeds and, more commonly,
tibicos, which is where our Tenacious Tibi name comes from. These crystals are made up of bacteria and yeast that work together in sugar water to break down simple sugars and produce a nutritious, naturally carbonated, probiotic-rich drink, similar to kombucha (though more subtle in flavour and without the caffeine).
Enjoying water kefir every day will promote good gut health, better regulate bowel movements and improve immunity. There's also research that shows these probiotics can increase energy and provide relief for
certain mental healthconditions.
Read more in our water kefir FAQ.
Read more about probiotics and good gut health.
Read more about the Tenacious Tibi complete Water Kefir kit.
But Why Water Kefir?
There are a lot of ways to make your gut healthy and strong, including the many types of fermented foods we sell. But water kefir is a favourite for many people for three reasons:
It's easy. Most fermenting is fairly simple to do, but nothing is easier than water kefir. You combine the ingredients—the kefir crystals, organic sugar, water—in minutes and walk away, leaving the crystals to do their work over the next 24 to 48 hours.
It's tasty. Once fermented, the naturally carbonated water can be infused with any combination of fruits and herbs, giving you hundreds of options for a light soda that tastes exactly the way you like it. Kids—even the picky ones—enjoy this, making it a nice alternative to keeping sugary drinks in the fridge.

Recipe: Apple Ginger Tibi
This is our go-to fall healthy cocktail. It’s warm and comforting, let it snow, let it snow..
- Use water kefir that has finished its first fermentation
- Rough chop 1/2 apple and 1 inch chunk of fresh ginger and split between the 2 - 16 oz fridge bottles. Add fermented water kefir (after completed 1st fermentation), screw on the caps tightly and allow to ferment (2nd fermentation) for 1 or 2 more days.
- Optional: Combine 4 parts of the flavoured kefir with 1 part dark rum
- Garnish with a slice of lime
It's economical. We love when our customers come back for more, but the truth is that once you have your water kefir kit, the crystals will last forever if you take care of them. You can use your own organic cane sugar, water and fruit to keep producing delicious water kefir for years. (That said, we do offer our own
Tibi sugar blend that has extra nutrients and minerals ideal for keeping your crystals healthy and happy).
Getting Started
Fermented foods and drinks help keep your gut in check. Water kefir is an amazing option—something that's healthy and delicious, but also easy if you're new to this. You can get started with our
Tenacious Tibi kit and then experiment with flavours you already know you love, making an endless supply of fruity or zesty or even herbal kefir. You'll be living healthier and you might just discover your new favourite drink.